Stonewall Kitchen, LLC

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Free Low Calorie Recipes - Should You Be Looking For Them?

If you're looking for free low calorie recipes, there are plenty of them available. A simple Google search will find hundreds of them for you.

But beware before you eat all of that low calorie food!

Many people mistakenly think that following a low calorie diet will be the answer to all of their weight loss prayers.

And while people who follow low calorie diets are still being a lot healthier than those who subscribe to all of the latest fad diets...

They're still making a grave mistake.

See... following a low calorie diet and looking for free low calorie recipes will certainly help you lose weight in the short term. There's absolutely no doubt about that.

The problem, however, comes in the long run.

See, when the body takes in too few calories, it eventually goes into what is called "starvation mode". Starvation mode is a very dangerous place to be. Besides the body not allowing you to lose any more weight, your metabolism slows down (due to the loss of muscle).

People who stay on low calorie diets too long also generally feel neglected, and therefore cranky. Most dieters end up giving up shortly after they begin diets because they can't fit their diets into their lifestyle for long-term.

One alternative to this is to use calorie cycling. Calorie cycling still accounts for healthy eating, but the dieter switches up calories so that there is no adjustment to any kind of severely low calorie routine. Because of this, the body can't go into starvation mode, and it remains healthy.

This method of eating has been used for years by bodybuilders and has recently been given a spin for "normal" dieters.

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