Stonewall Kitchen, LLC

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Discover new foods and recipes for your weight loss program

Use low glycemic diet to create new taste sensations!

Traditionally provided is limited to a program of weight reduction or eliminate many of the foods that they came, and alternatives over other diets or programs offered have been accustomed interesting, bland and boring. Times have changed.

Eating low glycemic foods to moderate weight loss is not a fad. And 'good common sense, and in most cases, you canwith most of the diet than ever. It 'a matter of mentality. After examining the list of foods in these categories can not be disappointed with the variety of food choices available.

In the last 7 weeks I personally have the Perfect Body Shape Program have been involved with low glycemic awareness program and have literally dozens of combinations of new tastes that tasty meal, only large but also contributed to weightThe loss of more than 15 pounds and a loss of over 20 centimeters in a selected set of body measurements. Above all, I am rarely "really hungry," as the program calls for intervals of 6 meals one days rather than 2 or 3 In fact, when I started editing program I had a difficult time in all 6 If my calendar is hectic, I make sure feed the pasture I'm much better suited to me is not guilty of violating the diet.

Even if I had to cut many of the foods that Ipreviously consumed, I think I'm more than for any confusion by borrowing some great recipes available from all over the network, or the discovery of my whole.

Here are some examples from my experiments:

Smoked fish (trout, salmon and sturgeon) in small cakes or slices of rye crisp bread with hummus. Include fresh vegetables and dried tomatoes, if desired.

Spaghetti Squash with chicken or ground turkey (instead of beef and pork mixed) garlic / oliveOil / dried tomato sauce. I cook the pumpkin and barbecue sauce and a bit '(without sugar cane!)

Cedar Board of grilled salmon (a feeling of absolute taste!) With wild / rice and vegetables like spinach or green beans.

Drink soy shakes with fruit (strawberries, blueberries and currants are my favorites so far mix) with a powder of substitution is low glycemic meal.

Chicken or turkey sausage for snacking purposes (especially if you're on-the-go and learnTable).

Toasted almonds soaked in water. This represents a slightly different texture and taste and the nuts make it easier to chew on the teeth.

Sweet potatoes or potatoes - not every day, but a good alternative to traditional potato.

Egg Salad wraps with hummus and a little 'shredded Parmesan or Asiago cheese. Easy on the Mayo.

As you can see, the choices only limited to your imagination. Please note that all foods are low glycemic, but aware of the fatContent in some meats, as they can add unwanted calories. Trim away the fat from beef or pork. The skin of chicken or turkey, remove (before cooking, if possible). Processed meat should be limited because they generally have a high fat content, additives for many it is not included the low glycemic index (like bread), or a high sodium (salt).

So, if you remember, always in a program of healthy and effective weight loss that you can followfor an indefinite time, check the Perfect Body Shape Program - a low glycemic awareness. They have the best glycemic index (GI) diagram is available, as well as the benefits of a certified trainer, resources and other great recipes.

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